A PMP EDUCATIONAL UPDATE  |   MARCH 2020  |  View online
DTY Termite
Making the case for termite baiting

This year, March 8 signals the beginning of Termite Awareness Week. While some homeowners might associate spring with increased termite activity, few know that termites are a threat to their properties 24/7, year-round — rain, snow or shine.
So, use Termite Awareness Week to help educate customers and the public about the need for a termite inspection and protection.

As for the solution, there are an increasing number of pest management professionals (PMPs) relying on termite baits as the best solution for their customers, business and bottom line. The Sentricon® system — celebrating 25 years — is available only through Certified Sentricon Specialists™ (CSSs). If you are considering becoming a CSS, you can learn more about how Sentricon can improve your business potential. See below:

The many customer benefits behind baiting

Homeowners should be informed that termite baits, including the Sentricon® system, offer an array of benefits, including:

  • Eliminates the colony: Sentricon eliminates termite colonies completely — including the termite queen — which guarantees that structures are protected, 24/7/365. Colony elimination is backed by more than 70 scientific studies, which further support the efficacy of Sentricon.
  • Powerful visible component: By their very nature, termite baiting systems possess a powerful visible component. The Sentricon® system, for example, is strategically installed around the home, creating a visible "ring" of protection against termites. Homeowners can thus see the visible impact of the Sentricon system in real time, providing clients with valuable peace of mind.
  • Insurance policy: Because of the above benefits, customers can relate termite baiting systems to their homeowners insurance policies against future infestations. This is an important advantage, as many homeowners insurance policies do not offer protection against termite infestations or termite damage.
Baiting leads to better business potential

The Sentricon® system also provides strong business potential for CSSs. For instance, Sentricon can help reduce liability risks that other treatments can incur, while possibly eliminating excessive labor costs. Unlike baiting systems, other treatments often require spray rigs, tanks, hoses, additional protective gear and more — which can increase operating costs. By contrast, fixed prices for all components of the Sentricon system are included with the product, meaning some homes are covered based on linear square footage.

Cost, reduced liability and installation benefits are not lost on customers. A number of potential markets, such as new-construction and homebuilder markets, appreciate the advantages that termite baits can provide. For example, baiting systems can be installed in any weather conditions to reduce construction delays. Homeowners, too, are often grateful for the reduced complexity bait installations offer. Their simple in-ground installation eliminates the need to dig trenches around the home, reducing homeowner hassle and limiting installation time.

Photo Credit: Corteva Agriscience
Photo: © Corteva Agriscience™

Benefits of the Sentricon® system

Recruit® AG FlexPack™ bait stations are an additional and exclusive feature of the Sentricon system that makes it a standalone solution. With Recruit AG FlexPack, CSSs are able to treat above-ground colonies in high and hard-to-reach spaces, both outdoors and indoors. This allows technicians to spot-treat infestations where they occur, starting the colony elimination process immediately.

The concept of Always Active™ technology is another advantage of Sentricon: Because of the proven efficacy using the active ingredient noviflumuron, the label only requires once-per-year servicing. This creates additional labor-saving options for CSSs and their teams.

With a host of benefits available, now is the time to consider becoming a CSS. If you already are one, remember to inform homeowners about the protection Sentricon offers. Contact your Corteva Agriscience sales representative to learn more.

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This newsletter was produced by North Coast Media’s content marketing staff in collaboration with Corteva Agriscience™.

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