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To Termite Or Not To Termite
By Dr. Stuart Mitchell

PMPs comprehend and practice applied biology pursuant to termite prevention, inspection, intervention, and elimination. From sales leads to inspection to treatment and elimination, the key to operational diagnostics is “knowing to termite or not to termite.”

Termite Flow Chart

The illustration above is a simple flowchart or decision tree pursuant to termite elimination services. Flowcharts are a graphical representation of a process signifying the various steps taken as the specific professional service moves through that process. On the flowchart, closed boxes can represent individual operations with lines between boxes indicating the order in which the steps are taken.

Flowcharts can be created for every process within the business model, maximizing efficiency, consistency, and quality. Flowcharts can be used to illustrate essential best management practices (BMPs) or standard operating procedures (SOPs) that are methods or techniques to achieve consistent results.


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