DTY Spider Management
Expelling Spiders
Overwintering Pests Get Inhabitants Hot


Various birds, rodents, and insects are present without invitation or permission and therefore considered pests. This is Povolny’s concept of Anthropobiocoenosis II, where organisms occupy interior habitats in direct contact with humans or are associated with the physical characteristics of the structure (for example ants, cockroaches, dust mites, termites, wood boring beetles and spiders).

In evolutionary biology, adaptive radiation is a process in which organisms diversify rapidly into a multitude of new forms, particularly when a change in the environment makes new resources available, creates new challenges, or opens new environmental niches. We build structures for spiders and other pests to perfectly exploit using millions of years of adaptive radiation.

"Spiders are defined as any of the Order Araneae (arachnids) having an abdomen usually un-segmented and constricted at the base, chelicerae modified into poison fangs, and two or more pairs of abdominal spinnerets for spinning threads of silk for various uses (as in making cocoons for eggs or webs to capture prey)."

With an integrated pest management approach using several control measures, which include Zoecon’s range of professional products, spider activity is over; rather than overwintering.

During the warmer months, when spiders are active outdoors, a spider problem could result from a lighting problem. The blue light in outdoor lighting can attract insects, which attracts spiders that ultimately end up overwintering indoors without invitation. Change blue light fixtures to yellow; fewer insects means fewer spiders.

Negative building pressure pulls spiders into the structure during the warm months only to have the spiders become unwelcome guests in the cold months. A building should have positive pressure or air in-take should exceed air exhaust by greater than 10 percent. Additionally, manage interior excess moisture and relative humidify through crawlspace and basement clean-space, vent and dehumidifier systems.

To keep spiders outdoors in the warm months and deny permission of indoor presence in the cold months, be sure window and door screens are serviceable as well as any cracks, crevices and gaps are properly excluded.

To deny harborage to uninvited overwintering spiders, reduce, or if possible, eliminate clutter. Organize stored materials in sealable plastic tubs. If cardboard boxes are necessary, be sure the opening ends are sealed with appropriate tape using the “H” pattern taping method (tape across the flaps and both ends).

Allow no “R and R” for overwintering spiders. Remove and reduce their numbers using a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Be sure to vacuum webbing, egg sacks, live spiders and dead insects and place the bag in a sealed container for disposal. For sticky situations with uninvited over-winterers, use appropriate glue traps to capture and monitor spider species and pressure.

To keep pests from overwintering, both expel and expire spiders with Zoecon’s equil Lambda 9.7 CS Insecticide with EnduraCap Technology. Using a 0.06 percent dilution, apply as a coarse, low pressure spray to areas where these spiders hide, such as base-boards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves, cabinets, behind and under refrigerators, sinks, furnaces and stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers and similar areas. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices.

Additionally, using Zenprox Aerosol with quick killing action, apply as a crack and crevice or spot treatment to areas where spiders crawl and hide, especially on hidden surfaces around sinks and storage areas, along and behind baseboards, around doors and windows, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks and stoves, and on the underside of shelves, drawers and bookcases. Do not reapply more often than every 14 days. And, as always, it is important to read, understand and follow the product label.

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