DTY Rodent

Best Practices Are Best Practiced By PMPs

By Dr. Stuart Mitchell

Best practices are methods or procedures that produce results superior to those achieved by other means or because they have become a standard way of doing things (a standard way of complying with legal and ethical requirements). An amateur is inexperienced or unskilled in a particular activity.

In a questionnaire survey study of amateur user behavior pursuant to anticoagulant rodenticide use, it was concluded that there is potentially an increased risk of exposure to non-target wildlife species. Additionally, low awareness of best practices may partially explain such occurrences. This suggests a continuing need for best practices awareness and training.

Question Total responses Yes No
Has the user received instruction on how to use rodenticides? 123 118 (95.95%) 5 (4.1%)
Is the number of bait points and amount of bait placed recorded? 126 14 (11.1%) 112 (88.9%)
Are bait points checked? 125 118 (94.4%) 7 (5.6%)
Is bait protected from being eaten by other animals? 123 114 (92.7%) 9 (7.3%)
Is bait removed once an infestation has declined? 120 36 (30.0%) 84 (70.0%)
Is a search for dead rodents made following baiting? 120 1 (0.8%) 119 (99.2%)

Citation: User behavior, best practice and the risks of non-target exposure associated with anticoagulant rodenticide use, Journal of Environmental Management 92 (2011) 1503e1508.

An essential part of best practices are environmentally responsible, superior product solutions. Professional products engineered for pest management professionals include:

  • Lumitrack Technology.
  • Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) Mode of Action.

Detex with Lumitrack is a novel, rodenticide-free bait block designed and engineered to provide optimum monitoring and census of cryptic rodent activity through scat fluorescence. Within sensitive environments, rodent activity is located, the target species identified, and appropriate controls deployed. The patented Detex with Lumitrack rodent monitoring system is readily deployable for both interior and exterior best practices.

Terad3 Ag with Vitamin D3 is engineered specifically for rodent control within the rapidly expanding organic food production market. The Terad3 Ag mode of action (MOA) is the only rodenticide bait MOA allowed on the National Organic Program (NOP) list.

While killing anticoagulant-resistant rats and mice, Terad3 Ag has a very low risk of secondary poisoning (including sensitive bird species). Terad3 Ag is the first, and only, rodenticide registered by the EPA “For Organic Production.” Additionally, Terad3 Ag can be deployed for both interior and exterior rodent control best practices pursuant to facilities that store and process organic materials, agricultural facilities, food processing, and food warehousing.

Whether the challenge is rats or mice, a mild or severe infestation, a residential, commercial, or industrial facility, Bell Laboratories has the highest quality rodent control products for optimum, precise, and environmentally responsible results, Bell manufactures the most complete line of rodent control products for the professional pest control and agricultural markets. Best practices are best practiced by PMPs.

To review the complete line of Bell professional products, go to http://www.belllabs.com. The world leader in rodent control technology.

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