DTY Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs Do's and Don'ts

You’ve got to hand it to bed bugs: They are still here and still getting the lion’s share of the pest management industry’s attention. At conferences nationwide, the majority of presentations continue to be about bed bug management. And, while we’re not seeing as many news stories about bed bug infestations in hotels, dormitories and other public residences, many pest management professionals (PMPs) report that their bed bug work has either increased over last year or has continued to keep them busy. Bed bug-related product introductions were prevalent at PestWorld 2019, and bed bug-focused product development work continues at various labs and workshops across the country. No doubt, bed bugs will continue to provide both work and frustration for PMPs everywhere.

With those facts in mind, here are some bed bug management do’s and don’ts that can help ensure you’re doing the best possible job for your customers who are suffering from a bed bug infestation.

Do understand that more and more information about bed bugs is being discovered every day. Take the proper time to remain current with the latest bed bug information.

Don't forget that it is common for some bed bug victims to fail to recognize that they have a bed bug problem until the population has grown in their homes and signs of infestation are obvious.

Do answer your customers’ questions and concerns about bed bug control by providing them with accurate bed bug information.

Don't forget that bed bugs can have a significant effect on people’s lives, and there are some customers who are upset to the point of tears due to bed bugs. These folks need your understanding and deserve your best efforts.

Do remember that we are working in people’s homes, and even though the work may be difficult and there may be much clutter and objects to move, it’s important to treat every home and the contents therein with care.

Don't forget — when selecting bed bug control products, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be sure to review published data for products and devices that are represented as being the next “bed bug silver bullet.”

Do remember that bed bugs don’t care whether you’re a PMP, and it’s necessary to be thorough when doing bed bug work.

Don't forget that by missing an area that needs inspection and treatment today, it’s possible to leave some bed bugs behind and someone may get bitten tonight because of it.

Do remember that bed bugs don’t care if you’re a pest management professional or not, and it’s possible to bring bed bugs home with you from work. Be sure to utilize suitable procedures to ensure that you don’t.

Don't underestimate the value of your bed bug work’s success. Thanks to you, moms, dads, sons, daughters and children of all ages can be saved from the deleterious effects of bed bugs.

Nuvan: The strong solution

AMVAC®’s Nuvan products feature several characteristics that allow them to play an important role in bed bug management programs. Their uniqueness is derived from active ingredient names like dichlorvos (DDVP), which has a long history of insect control and is effective against all bed bug life stages. It's a novel mode of action to which there is no documented resistance by bed bugs.

Nuvan ProStrips and Nuvan ProStrips +

Nuvan® ProStrips® and Nuvan® ProStrips® + utilize a resin strip that is impregnated with DDVP to provide continuous release of the active ingredient for effective control of labeled pests for up to four months. Both products may be used to control bed bug nymphs and adults that are exposed to product vapors for 48 hours. In difficult-to-treat areas, a minimum treatment time of 72 hours will provide better results.

Nuvan Directed Spray Aerosol

Nuvan® Directed Spray™ Aerosol is used for localized surface applications. It is applied using a two-second spray to treat 4 to 5 ft. from a distance of 12 to 15 in. from the surface being treated. This product kills bed bugs at the time of application, and controls bed bug eggs for up to 14 days by direct application and through vapor action.

Editor’s Note: This content first appeared in the August 2018 edition of DTY: Bed Bug Management.

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This newsletter was produced by North Coast Media’s content marketing staff in collaboration with AMVAC.


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