DTY Bed Bug
Bed Bugs: An Inclusive Pest?


BedBug Central has recently developed a service model where SenSci Activ bed bug lure and SenSci Volcano bed bug monitor can be utilized to develop an in-home residential bed bug monitoring assurance service. Bed bug assurance can either be included with your residential client’s perpetual home service or can be sold as a standalone service. Implementing a bed bug assurance service is a great way to increase the equity in your business, grow revenues, diversify your service offering, and acquire new clients. BedBug Central has also determined that a large number of clients who are interested in purchasing the bed bug assurance program have also upgraded to a perpetual home service which includes bed bug monitoring.

The key selling point of the service is to not only provide in home bed bug detection, but to remediate bed bugs that are found in a client's home either for free or at a discount once they are enrolled in the bed bug assurance service. In this model, bed bugs now become an inclusive pest!

The Volcano Bed Bug Detector is discreetly placed for early bed bug detection.

Who is interested in purchasing this service?

  • Homeowners who are afraid of bed bugs and are concerned about them.
  • Homeowners who previously had bed bugs removed from their home and who are worried about bounce back.
  • Homeowners who frequently travel.
  • Homeowners who have children who live on a college campus and frequently travel back and forth from college to home.
  • Homeowners who work in a profession such as hospitality or entertainment where bed bugs live and breathe.
  • Other opportunities may also include those residential prospects that opted to purchase a lower-cost bed bug treatment from a competitor.

How does a bed bug assurance service work?

For your current clients with an existing perpetual home service, just install Volcano monitors with Active lures during their next quarterly service. The monitors can be discreetly placed in those areas of their home that are most likely to have bed bug activity- the bedrooms and the most active couch within their home. At this time, you will need to educate your clients by showing them how to actively inspect the monitors, and what to do if they suspect that bed bugs are captured in the monitor. In total, two Volcano monitors should be installed for each bedroom and one for the couch in the common area. During each exterior visit, we suggest for you provide your client with replacement Activ Lures for each of your Volcano devices or you may also consider having a technician service the devices once per quarter. Mailing the packets to the clients on a quarterly basis is another option to consider.

Please view our online videos to learn more about information about SenSci Activ and SenSci Volcano. To learn more about the bed bug assurance program please call Frank Delneso at (877) 411-1142.

Robert Di Joseph is vice president of operations for the Lawrenceville, N.J.-based BedBug Central. He can be reached at (877) 411-1142 extension 3047 or Robert.DiJoseph@bedbugcentral.com.

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