DTY Ants
Ant Control Dos and Don’ts

Ants are so common that nearly everyone in the United States has encountered these insects in their homes at one time or another. These social insects live in colonies consisting of the queen, worker ants, eggs, larvae, pupae and some males known as drones. Winged swarmer ants may be present within the colony as well. Each ant has a distinct role, and each works for the welfare and benefit of the entire colony.

According to Paul J. Bello, ACE, BCE, of PJB Pest Consulting & Education, there are an estimated 20,000 ant species worldwide. Although relatively few of those species are problematic as structural pests, commonly encountered pest ant species include, but may not be limited to: Acrobat ants, Argentine ants, carpenter ants (which are capable of causing structural damage), crazy ants, ghost ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, pharaoh ants, red imported fire ants and others.

While some ant species nest indoors, others do not. Species may have different food preferences, and food preference may change during the year depending on various factors.

To successfully control ants, it’s important to correctly identify the species present, consider that species’ biology and find the nest(s) that are the source of the problem. Here are some other Ant Dos and Don’ts from Bello:


  • Become familiar with the pest ant species you may encounter in your area.
  • Learn how to properly identify the common pest ant species in your area.
  • Locate existing and potential entry points ants are using to gain entry into a customer’s structure.
  • Educate yourself about the biology and behavior of the target ant species you expect to encounter in your area. Know the ants’ nesting habits, food preferences and other key characteristics.


  • Forget the various ant species you’re dealing with may be significantly different, and these differences could have an impact on your management program’s effectiveness and results.
  • Ignore the fact that some ant species may travel great distances from their nest site to your customer’s structure — and these nest sites might not be located on your customer’s property.
  • Limit your inspection to looking down. It’s not uncommon for ants to locate their nests vertically in often-overlooked areas. Even species that normally nest in the ground might nest within a structure or on a roof.
  • Neglect to educate your customer about ants. Explain how your control program is designed to be cost-effective, and what they can do to help enhance the results of your ant management program at their home or structure.

Get Effective Ant Control with NAVIGATOR SC®
NAVIGATOR® SC from AMVAC kills ants and other listed perimeter pests when applied to exterior surfaces and along foundations. Ants transfer its active ingredient, fipronil, back to their nests, which kills the colony and protects structures against future infestations. Learn more at amvac-chemical.com.

PMP’s Direct To You provides pest management professionals with educational refreshers on timely and critical topics essential to operational success. This content is not be used as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney licensed to practice where you live. Look for the content-rich PMP Direct To You archives at mypmp.net/direct-to-you-archive.

This newsletter was produced by North Coast Media’s content marketing staff in collaboration with AMVAC.


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